Url-address of the Personal Office: https://abitlk.susu.ru/
You can ask main questions about application and enrollment to following e-mail addresses:
For citizens of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan: prkom@susu.ru
For citizens of other foreign countries: applicant@susu.ru
Frequently asked questions
1. Registration
1.1. Validation problem with the user name during registration
It is necessary to input the user name in latin letters.
Also it is possible the situation, when the user name has been used in registration of an another user. In this case add to the end of the user name some digits or your surname.
2. Personal office availability and periods of consideration of the application
- Consideration of the application takes approximately 2-3 days depending on total number of applications sent for consideration. During the process of experts consideration Personal Office switches in read-only mode.
- Making changes is available next day after experts review.
- After experts review making changes is available only in the section «Degree programs selection» and partly in the section «Uploading the documents» to upload some additional documents.
3. Documents uploading
3.1. Required documents
It is necessary to upload following document:
- filled and signed scan of the consent to the processing of personal data;
- electronic scan of the passport (pages with photo);
- electronic scan of the education document;
- photo in size 3×4 (you can crop the photo to size 3×4 during uploading in Personal office).
You can also upload documents translations and other documents in upload form «Documents confirming benefits, documents translations etc.» if it is needed.
3.2. You got a message from experts that it is necessary to upload some additional documents
If experts asked you to upload some additional documents, it is needed to upload them in the section «Uploading the documents» and then to send application for review again.
3.3. Electronic scan of ID card contains more than 1 page
In case if you need to upload more than one electronic scan, please, use the option of MS Word:
- Put al images into an MS Word document;
- Save the document as .pdf;
- Upload saved .pdf file into the Personal Office.

We wish you to be successfully enrolled to SUSU!